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of Numerical Analysis and Symbolic Computation\\[1ex]
	- Exercises on Discontinous Galerkin Methods -\\[2ex]
WS 2012/2013

\def\solution{0}		% without solution
%\def\solution{1}		% with solution
%WS 2011/2012
{\bf Exercise 1:}  Show that the gradient $\nabla u$ of the weak solution $u \in V_0 := H^1_0(\Omega)$
  of the variational problem (1) belongs not only to $\left[L_2(\Omega)\right]^d$ but also to 
	$H(\mbox{div}):= \{v \in \left[L_2(\Omega)\right]^d: \mbox{div}(v) \in L_2(\Omega)\}$,
	and, moreover, $ \mbox{div}(\nabla u) = -f$ ! \\[2ex]
%   Solution 1
 \ifnum\solution=1   \input{solution1.inp}  \fi
{\bf Exercise 2:} Show the DG-identities (3), i.e.
\sum_{\delta \in {\mathcal{T}}_h} \left(\nabla u \cdot n,v\right)_{\partial \delta}
= \sum_{\delta \in {\mathcal{T}}_h} \left(\{\nabla u\},v\cdot n\right)_{\partial \delta}
= \sum_{e \in {\overline{\mathcal{E}}}_h} \left(\{\nabla u\},[v]\right)_e
for a weak solution $u \in H^1_0(\Omega) \cap H^s({\mathcal{T}}_h)$ 
of the variational problem (1) and for all $v \in H^s({\mathcal{T}}_h)$
with some $s > 3/2$~! \\[2ex]
%   Solution 2
 \ifnum\solution=1   \input{solution1.inp}   \fi
{\bf Exercise 3:} Prove the consistency theorem:
Let $s > 3/2$. Then the following statements are valid:
 \item Assume that the weak solution $u$ of (1), i.e.
	the solution of $ (1)_{\mbox{\tiny VF}} $ ($\exists$ ! due to Lax \& Milgram),
	belongs to $ H^s({\mathcal{T}}_h) $.
        Then $u$ satisfies the DG variational formulation (5).
 \item Conversely, if $u \in  H^1_0(\Omega) \cap H^s({\mathcal{T}}_h)$
	satisfies the DG variational formulation (5),
	then $u$ is also the solution of our variational problem $ (1)_{\mbox{\tiny VF}} $.
%   Solution 3
 \ifnum\solution=1   \input{solution1.inp}   \fi
{\bf Exercise 4:} Show that the Dirichlet boundary condition $u=0$ on $\Gamma$ 
  is incorporated in (5) resp. (6)~!
  Derive the DG variational formulation (5) resp. the DG scheme (6)
  for the case of inhomogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions $u=g$ on $\Gamma$ 
  and piecewise constant coefficients $a|_\delta = a_\delta = const > 0$ 
  for all $\delta \in {\mathcal{T}}_h$~!.\\[2ex]
%   Solution 4
 \ifnum\solution=1   \input{solution1.inp}   \fi
%{\bf Exercise 5:} Show that (7) defines a norm on $V_k({\mathcal{T}}_h)$~!\\[4ex]
%   Solution 5
% \ifnum\solution=1   \input{solution1.inp}   \fi
{\bf Remark:} All references (number) refer to formula markers from the lectures,
    see also lecture notes~!
%BIBLIOGRAPHY                                                                                     %                   