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DK Final Event 2020 (postponed)

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When Sep 23, 2020 09:00 AM to
Sep 25, 2020 05:00 PM
Where Strobl am Wolfgangsee, Austria
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FINAL EVENT POSTPONED TO 2021 DUE TO CORONA - more details to follow soon!

From September 23-25, 2020, the DK concluding event will take place. After a run time of 12 years of interdisciplinary research, there will be several invited talks from the areas of symbolic and numeric scientific computing and highlights of DK research will be presented. More details follow closer to the date.

We look forward to welcoming the following invited speakers:

Moulay Barkatou (Univ. Limoges)
Rob Corless (University of Western Ontario)
Antonella Falini (Bari Univ.)
Matteo Gallet (SISSA, Italy)
Christoph Hofer (Softwarepark Hagenberg)
Fredrik Johansson (INRIA Bordeaux)
Esther Klann (Hochschule Merseburg)
Anne Kværnø (Univ. Trondheim)
Clemens Raab (JKU)
Joachim Schöberl (TU Vienna)