- Info
Antonio Jiménez-Pastor

Antonio Jiménez-Pastor
Office: RISC, Hagenberg, -2.18-3
Short Curriculum Vitae
- Since September 2009 to June 2014: Bachelor studies in Mathematics, UAM Madrid, Spain.
- Since September 2009 to June 2014: Bachelor studies in Computer Engineering, UAM Madrid, Spain.
- Since September 2014 to June 2015: Master studies in Mathematics and Applications, UAM Madrid, Spain.
- Since January 2015 to June 2016: Research Staff at Model-Driven Engineering research group, UAM Madrid, Spain.
- Since August 2016: PhD Student in the Doctoral Program "Computational Mathematics'', JKU Linz,
Research interests
- Symbolic Computation
- Computational Algebra
- Computer Science
- PDE over Graphs
All the software offered here has been totally or partially developed by myself and was funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF): W1214-N15, project DK15. Unless otherwise stated, the software provided on this web site is free; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation. The programs are distributed in the hope that they will be useful, but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
- dd_functions: a Sage package for manipulate D-finite, DD-finite and, more generally, Dn-finite functions. To use the software, download the zip file on the link, unpack it, open a shell and run the command make. If that does not work, you can simply move the folder ajpastor contained in diff_defined_functions to any location your Sage installation look for packages. A further introductory document will be added soon.
- comb_walks: a Sage package for study Walks on the Quarter Plane. Developed in collaboration with the group Specfun, during the stay with Prof. Frédéric Chyzak. See the repository website, the documentation or the online demo for further information.
Participation in conferences and workshops
- September 28-30, 2016: DK Statusseminar, Strobl, Austria - Self Introduction
- July 10-11, 2017: DK Mini-Workshop Computational Mathematics in Numerical Analysis and Symbolic Computation, Linz, Asutria - Talk
- July 25-28, 2017: International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation (ISSAC 2017), Kaiserslautern, Germany
- September 5-9, 2017: Computational Mathematics and Approximation Theory Workshop (CMAPT 2017), Linz, Austria - Poster
- September 27-29, 2017: DK Statusseminar, Strobl, Austria - Talk
- February 5-6, 2018: DK Mini-Workshop Computational Mathematics in Numerical Analysis and Symbolic Computation, Linz, Austria - Talk
- May 7-9, 2018: Bringing Young Mathematicians Together (BYMAT 2018), Madrid, Spain - Talk
- July 26-19, 2018: International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation (ISSAC 2018), New York, US - Talk
- September 26-28, 2018: DK Statusseminar, Strobl, Austria - Talk
- March 25-27, 2019: Functional Equations in LIMoges (FELIM, 2019), Limoges, France - Talk
- June 17-21, 2019: 3rd International Conference “Computer Algebra” (2019), Moscow, Russia - Talk
- July 1-5, 2019: International Conference on Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics (FPSAC, 2019), Ljubjana, Slovenia - Software presentation
- July 15-18, 2019: International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation (ISSAC 2019), Beijing, China - Software presentation
- July 22-26, 2019: International Symposium on Orthogonal Polynomials, Special Functions and Applications (OPSFA 2019), Hagenberg, Austria - Talk
- August 24-28, 2019: Computational Mathematics and Approximation Theory Workshop (CMAPT 2019), St. Wolfgang, Austria - Talk
- September 25-27, 2019: DK Statusseminar, Strobl, Austria - Talk
- November 13-15, 2019: Mathematical Aspects of Computer and Information Sciences 2019 (MACIS 2019), Gebze-Istambul, Turkey - Software presentation
- February 10-14, 2020: Tenth International workshop of Differential Algebra and Related Topics (DART X, 2020), New York, United States - Poster
- July 20-23, 2020: The Sage package comb_walks for Walks in the Quarter Plane (ISSAC 2020), Kalamata, Greece - Abstract + Software presentation (and video)
Scientific stays
Further Publications
- Scalable Model Exploration Through Abstraction and Fragmentation Strategies, Software Technologies: Applications and Foundations, BigMDE 2015, Pages 21-31, http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1406/ - in collaboration with Antonio Garmendia and Juan de Lara
- Scalable model exploration for model-driven engineering, Journal of Systems and Software (JSS), Volume 132, October 2017, Pages 204-225, ISSN 0164-1212, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jss.2017.07.011 - in collaboration with Antonio Garmendia and Juan de Lara