- Info
Philipp Nuspl
Philipp Nuspl
- C-finite and C^2-finite sequences in SageMath, accepted Software Presentation at ISSAC 2022 (2022) (preprint)
- with V. Pillwein: A comparison of algorithms for proving positivity of linearly recurrent sequences, accepted at CASC 2022 (2022) (preprint)
- with V. Pillwein: Simple C^2 -finite Sequences: a Computable Generalization of C-finite Sequences, accepted at ISSAC 2022 (2022) (preprint)
- with A. Jiménez-Pastor and V. Pillwein: An extension of holonomic seqences: C^2-finite sequences, accepted by JSC (2021) (preprint)
- with A. Jiménez-Pastor and V. Pillwein: On C^2-finite sequences, Proceedings of ISSAC'21, pp. 217-224 (2021) (preprint)
- Solving a fixed number of equations over finite groups. Algebra Univers. 82, 12 (2021) (pdf)
- The SageMath package rec_sequences provides a framework to work with sequences satisfying linear recurrence equations. It can be used to work with C^2-finite sequences and to show inequalities of C- and D-finite sequences. The package can be obtained from Github. The documentation is available here.
- The Mathematica package PositiveSequence can be used to show inequalities of C- and D-finite sequences. It is part of the RISCErgoSum collection of packages. The source code is available on Github.
Short Curriculum Vitae
- Since July 2020 PhD Student in the Doctoral Program "Computational Mathematics'', JKU Linz,
- 2019 - 2020 Master in Computer Mathematics at JKU Linz, Austria
- Fall 2018 Exchange Semester at NTNU Trondheim, Norway
- 2015 - 2019 Bachelor in Technical Mathematics at JKU Linz, Austria
Research interests
- Recurrence relations
- Computer algebra systems
- Computational problems in universal algebra
Participation at international conferences and workshops
- A Comparison of Algorithms for Proving Positivity of Linearly Recurrent Sequences at CASC 2022 in Istanbul, Turkey, August 2022 - Slides
- C^2-finite Sequences: A Computational Approach at ACA 2022 in Istanbul, Turkey, August 2022 - Slides
- C-finite and C^2-finite Sequences in SageMath at ISSAC'22 in Lille, France, July 2022 - Slides
- Simple C^2-finite Sequences: A Computable Generalization of C-finite sequences at ISSAC'22 in Lille, France, July 2022 - Slides
- C^2-finite Sequences: A Computational Approach at Tagung der Fachgruppe Computeralgebra 2022 in Munich, Germany (online), March 2022 - Slides
- On C^2-finite sequences at ISSAC'21 in Saint Petersburg, Russia, (online) July 2021 - Slides
- Solving Systems of Equations of Fixed Size over Finite Groups at AAA99 in Siena, Italy, February 2020 - Slides
- Solving Systems of Equations over Certain Solvable Groups at AAA98 in Dresden, Germany, June 2019 - Slides